Tuesday 30 June 2015

006 - So annoying!

Come on! Who likes to be interrupted during a conversation by some vaguely-related story of an arrogant friend?

Join us today, we loved complaining!



Wednesday 11 March 2015

005 – The extinction-of-buttons generation

Today we touch upon the strategies of technological companies, the rapid development of the gadget-world, the technology-raised generation of the 2000s and our smartphone-free childhood.

This is a re-uploaded version, as the last file didn't seem to work for most of you.

Enjoy this nostalgic episode, people.
You are the best!



Monday 23 February 2015

004 - What motivation really is and how it changed for our generation?

What do you think of when you are told to be motivated? Do you believe that your way of motivating yourself is the ultimate way? Do you think the generation of the 1990-2000 has become slothful? Then join us today in our talk about the everlasting question of motivation and procrastination.



Tuesday 13 January 2015

Saturday 29 November 2014

002 - Life hacks at your fingertips (Android & iOS)

In this episode we discuss our favourite apps that are worth checking out on your smartphone. We mention a dosen apps made for both Android and iOS devices and touch upon our favorite features.


Apps mentioned in this episode:

Thank you for listening and sharing, people!

Friday 21 November 2014

001 - Welcome to Da Net, Maybe. What does the future hold?

In the pilot episode of our podcast Da Net, Maybe we will be discussing what the near future holds for us.
We greatly appreciate any kind of support!

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Today you will participate in our discussion about our expectations for the ways in which the future's finance system, communications, everyday lives, electronics and medicine will be like.

"One Sly Move" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

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